april, 2024

Event Details
Check it out—APRIL 21, 2024 (doors open @ 4:30pm) How would you like to support youth (High School for Recording Arts), art (mural by Cliff’s Airbrushing), commemorate the 40th anniversary of
Event Details
Check it out—APRIL 21, 2024 (doors open @ 4:30pm)
How would you like to support youth (High School for Recording Arts), art (mural by Cliff’s Airbrushing), commemorate the 40th anniversary of Purple Rain and dance the night away?
Purple Genealogy is hosting another AMAZING event at The Woman’s Club of Minneapolis on Sunday, 4/21/24! Tickets on Eventbrite (click on LEARN MORE below for ticket link).
Purple Genealogy is committed to giving back to our world and mimic the philosophy of Prince. In Prince’s words, it’s what we are suppose to do for one another!
PG is presenting an April 2024 event to fund a commissioned mural by Artist Cliff Morris, aka Cliffairbrushing, to the High School for Recording Arts (HSRA) and being held at the Women’s Club of Minneapolis (WCOM). We are jubilant and asking for your continued support to create this event. PG has spearheaded several social events to raise donations to support other youth
programs, such as the Purple Playground’s Academy of Prince Summer Program mission. What then is our goal for April?
We have planned a night at the movies to watch Purple Rain in its entirety as you are served popcorn with several surprise guests you won’t believe! To end the evening, join us for partying and dancing after the movie in an adjourning area of The Club.
The logistics will be presented at a later time including prices, attire, how to donate, and all other significant information.
The project will involve raising funds so that the HSRA will be gifted a mural designed by artist Cliffairbrushing to be housed at their current and any future location.
In June, we will also make a sizable donation to The Academy of Prince raised by you – our purple friends. Your incentive is to help us meet the goal.
One must visit the school to truly understand the importance of children that fall through the cracks needing a safe, place to explore their creative juices – much like Prince, sunny tea, Morris Day, Jimmy, jam, Terry Lewis, jellybean, Johnson, etc. had “The Way.” The students are introduced to the world of Prince and why he is relevant to our history and his legacy grows.
When we lost Prince, PG was committed to giving back as a means of saying ‘Thank you’ to our Prince. We will continue to support programs and projects near and dear to our hearts. There is no greater joy than seeing children explore and intensify their creativity. Children are our future and knowledge is power. Thank you for your time and support.
Finally, the mural for the school continues to be in the planning stage by Cliff. We know everyone will enjoy the musical mural to be placed on the HSRA walls. Cliff is quite proficient in his art works we are excited to see his artistic plan materialize.
(Sunday) 4:30 pm - 10:00 pm
The Woman’s Club of Minneapolis
410 Oak Grove Street
Purple Genealogy
The Woman’s Club of Minneapolis410 Oak Grove Street